5 Signs That Your Swimming Pool Needs a Repair

Eventually, any swimming pool will need service and repairs. Neglecting these necessary fixes can result in further damage to your pool and, potentially, cost you a significant amount of time and money. If you want your swimming pool to stay in tip-top shape, it’s important to pay attention to its condition. Here are some signs to look for that might mean you need professional repairs.
Malfunctioning Heater
If the water in your swimming pool is cold, it probably comes as no surprise that your heater isn’t working properly. This could be due to a couple of things. Blocked pipes may be reducing water flow to the heater. Another option is that the heater is getting water and air flow, but the controls are malfunctioning. You can see how one problem can quickly exacerbate another, meaning a professional in the pool service and repair industry could save you money in the long run by being able to connect the dots and minimize the damage.
Wall Cracks
If you see cracks in the walls of your concrete pool, this is a definite sign that you have a problem that needs immediate attention. Cracks can mean water leakages, which waste your pool water and can even weaken and erode the soil surrounding your pool. This problem can quickly become a big issue without professional pool repair.
Broken Lights
Water plus electricity is a dangerous combination. Repairing broken lights is not something you want to make into a DIY pool repair project. The pool will need to be drained and the main electricity will need to be shut off, and an incorrectly repaired light can be extremely dangerous. Leave broken light repair to the professionals. Contact Pool Brite in Amherst to take care of your pool repair needs.
Unclean Water: Pipework
You may be noticing that, even though you are treating your pool water regularly, it still appears dirty or cloudy. Unclean water can mean that you have a problem with your pipework, such as blocked debris that can diminish water flow through your pool filters.
Unclean Water: Block Sand Filter
Another cause of filthy water can be a blocked sand filter. Even if your pipework is clear, a blocked sand filter will still result in unclean water. It’s important to change your sand filter every three to five years, but if you forgot or neglected to perform this maintenance task, you will need a pool repair specialist to come and get the water flow back to its maximum potential.
Unclean Water: Pool Pump
Yet another cause of dirty pool water is a malfunctioning pool pump. This means that the water is not being filtered or circulated properly. Other signs that your pool pump is not working properly are strange sounds and periodic shutdowns.
Amherst Pool Supply Store
These are just a few of the signs that your pool is in need of immediate repair. Pool Brite offers an all-inclusive pool repair and maintenance service in Amherst. We’ll save your pool from falling into decay, as well as save you money in the long run. Visit our blog to find out how you can enhance your swimming pool installation and extend your outdoor living space to match!