12 Essential Pool Supplies You’ll Need This Summer

Are you on the lookout for some new pool supplies to upgrade your maintenance routine?
The supplies and tools you use throughout the season can have a significant influence on your pool’s longevity and the overall health of your pool water.
Whether you’re a pool novice or a seasoned owner, this article has something for everyone.
From basic pool supplies to properly maintain your water, to advanced options to make caring for your pool effortless, you’ll find everything you need below.
Let’s dive in and discover twelve pool supplies you’ll love having on hand!
Pool Supplies To Keep Your Water Clean and Safe
There are endless pool supplies on the market, and while some of them are more important than others, each one was designed with a specific purpose in mind.
Some of the most basic (and crucial) pool supplies in your arsenal will be those items used to keep your water crystal clean and safe to swim in.
A Water Testing Kit
Possibly one of the most basic supplies, you simply can’t own a pool without a water test kit.
Whether you use pH test strips, a digital meter, or a standard test kit, won’t matter. The important part is that you’re testing your water on a regular basis.
A water test kit will provide a few key pieces of information about your water’s chemical makeup, such as:
- pH levels
- Alkalinity levels
- Sanitizer
These are the three factors of your water that determine if it’s safe to be in and non-destructive to your system and liner.
Water Balancing Products
After you’ve tested your water, you’ll need to have the right water treatment product to bring your levels into their expected range.
To do this, you’ll need three basic products:
- Total alkalinity increaser
- pH increaser
- pH decreaser
These products will help you adjust the overall acidity of your water. If the water in your pool becomes too acidic, it can begin eating away at your liner or various parts it comes in contact with.
On the other hand, if it’s not acidic enough, it can lead to hard scale developing on the underwater surfaces of your pool.
What’s more, if these levels aren’t appropriately maintained, you could even end up with itchy, red eyes or irritated skin after a swim!
Pool Sanitizer
Another crucial water treatment product is your sanitizer, and they come in various styles, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses.
Chlorine is by far the most popular pool sanitizer, and it’s not shocking as to why.
This sanitizer isn’t only incredibly effective, but it’s also one of the most affordable options and fast acting.
Unfortunately, chlorine is quickly used up, leading to more frequent treatments to maintain the right levels to keep your water free from bacteria.
The ideal level of chlorine in your pool is three ppm (parts-per-million), but anywhere between one and three ppm is acceptable.
Bromine is the next most common sanitizer option, and while it’s slightly more expensive than chlorine, it’s not as harsh as chlorine can be.
Not only does this result in gentle water that leaves your skin feeling softer after your swim, but it reduces the damage it can do to your bathing suits!
Bromine is the opposite of chlorine in how it works; it’s slower acting and lasts longer.
Bromine levels are best kept between three and five ppm.
Salt Cells
Saltwater pools have become increasingly popular over the last decade, with many people enjoying the silky smooth swimming experience it provides.
While many assume saltwater pools mean a chlorine-free experience, that’s not actually true.
As the water passes through the salt cells, the salt breaks down into chlorine to kill any bacteria. While this certainly means you’ll have lower chlorine levels, your pool won’t be chlorine-free.
One downside of saltwater pools is that they can be more costly when you first switch over. However, after the initial costs, you may find you’re spending less each season on treatment products since the salt lasts much longer, leading to fewer treatments.
If you’re using a salt system, you’ll want to maintain levels between 2700 and 3400 ppm.
Last but not least, the truly chlorine-free pool sanitizer – biguanide!
This sanitizing option provides soft water that can leave your skin feeling refreshed after a swim, and is a highly effective option for combating bacteria in your water.
Unfortunately, biguanide is quite costly, easily being one of the most expensive sanitizers on the market, and requires complete exclusivity, as it’s not compatible with chlorine products.
The ideal amount of biguanide you want to maintain in your pool is between 30 and 50 ppm.
The last essential water treatment product on this list is pool shock.
Shocking your pool is essentially adding a super dose of chlorine to the water to support the overall effectiveness of your regular sanitizer.
You’ll only need to use your shock once a week, however, it’s a good idea to add it after storms, particularly hot days, or after a pool party.
A Pool Cover
Lastly, you should always have a pool cover.
Pool covers serve a few important functions, such as:
- Supporting your water temperature
- Reducing the amount of sanitizer loss
- Minimizes debris
- Adds safety
Pool covers come in two main styles, with some floating along the surface of your water, and others stretching taut across its entire surface and locking in place to maximize safety.
Carefully consider your needs prior to choosing the style you’d like to use.
Pool Supplies For Cleaning Your Pool
Caring for your pool goes beyond simply maintaining clean water. You also need to keep your actual pool clean!
The underwater surface of your pool can become slick with sediment over time, not only creating an unpleasant feeling but increasing the risk of algae forming!
Luckily, you don’t need too many pool supplies to keep your pool squeaky clean.
A Surface Skimmer
Even with a cover, it's inevitable that bugs, leaves, and various other debris will end up floating on the surface of your pool at one time or another.
A surface skimmer makes it easy to remove any debris from your water, and often comes with two different styles of nets; a deeper one for larger debris and one that’s more slim.
Brushing the walls of your pool is the first step in removing the slippery sediment that collects on them.
Some brushes are harder than others, and if you use the wrong one, you could be left with a damaged liner.
Softer brushes are for those pools with vinyl liners or fiberglass pools. However, if you have a concrete pool or tile pool, you’ll want to use a brush that’s more stiff.
A Pool Vacuum
After brushing your pool, you’ll want to use a pool vacuum to remove any of the sediment you loosened.
This ensures it doesn’t reenter your water, reducing the demand on your sanitizer, while also keeping it from reattaching to your walls.
Pool vacuums come in many styles, from suction-side to pressure-side vacuums, so take time to consider your options before investing in yours.
Telescopic Pole
Each one of the three items listed above requires a pole that allows you to reach more tricky spots in your pool.
Unfortunately, standard poles are often too short for those with larger pools. This can result in you walking endless circles around your pool as you clean, and even a delicate balancing act as you stretch out to reach the middle of your pool.
A telescopic pole removes these issues, making it effortless to reach every inch of your pool with its adjustable design to easily match your changing needs.
Advanced Pool Supplies Worth Considering
Not all pool supplies are created equal. As technology has advanced, some new options have hit the market, making it even easier to care for your pool while maximizing your overall enjoyment.
Here are some of our favorite advanced tools!
Robotic Pool Cleaner
Above all, robotic vacuums have transformed the way you clean your pool.
Whether you’re short on time and need an alternative option to support your regular maintenance, or simply want to know you’re diving into a clean pool every night, a robotic vacuum is the ultimate pool companion.
Not only do these high-tech vacuums clean your pool for you, but many include scheduling features for you to easily set up a routine that matches your unique needs.
Furthermore, they provide a powerful clean that rivals traditional methods.
Pool Heater
If you prefer to keep your pool at a warmer temperature, a pool heater may be a good addition.
Outdoor pools can be unpredictable when it comes to their temperatures, fluctuating based on the ever-changing weather.
Pool heaters offer an easy way to combat this, keeping your pool at a precise temperature of your choosing even on cooler days.
Dr. Dryden’s Activate
Finally, the last pool supply on our list is one that can enhance your filtration; Dr. Dryden’s Activate, a complete replacement for traditional sand or zeolite!
Not only is this permanent filter media 100% resistant to bacteria, but it offers advanced filtration with up to 300 times more surface area than alternative solutions.
Shop Pool Supplies in Amherst, NY
If you’re looking for the ultimate combination of pool supplies to transform your maintenance routine this summer, visit your local pool experts at Pool Brite!
We stock a range of traditional and advanced options, making it easy to restock or completely revamp your pool care tool kit.
To support you further, we also offer a selection of pool services, from taking care of your opening or closing routine, inspecting and repairing issues, or making the switch to a new water care system!
Contact our team, or visit our showroom to explore all your options in person and have your every question answered!